The morning of the fifth day went off relatively without incident. Both Cindy and Kiwi were appreciative of their water and pellets, and Kiwi was especially excited about the giant pepper hanging in her cage.
After getting both girls settled for the day, Shannon decided to watch NBC's coverage of this year's Ironman World Championships from Kona. She was excited when she saw footage of her kindergarten friend standing close to the champion, Chrissie Wellington, just before the
swim start. By the end of the program, Shannon had been reduced to a ball of tears. Happy tears of course, but Kiwi did not know this and began chirping loudly to cheer Shannon up. Such a sweet little bird! Luckily, these were just happy tears and it was good.
Shannon left for lab with both girls properly fed and watered, and returned home around 5:30pm. She was a bit sad because Dorothee left for Tahoe; now who would Shannon sing Moulin Rouge songs with in the lab? She instructed Dorothee to take photogr
aphs of the purple ski pants with pink insides, and not to break any bones.

There were not many interesting programs on the television that afternoon, and Shannon and Kiwi were getting a bit bored. Kiwi decided to fly off of Shannon's shoulder and back onto the top of her cage. After a few minutes, Kiwi decided that,
as boring as the television shows were, she'd rather be around her people. So she flew back and settled on the top of Shannon's head. This delighted Shannon very much (although she hoped that Kiwi would not decide to poop while
atop her head). Shannon retrieved her camera, and managed to capture two beautiful shots of Kiwi perched atop Shannon's glasses frame. It tickled Shannon very much when Kiwi would flutter her wings against Shannon's cheek. But Shannon thought it was too cute to encourage Kiwi to move.
Kiwi then decided that she had enough picture taking for a while, and fluttered off to perch on the napkin holder in the kitchen. But Shannon was

very sneaky and took a picture of Kiwi there as well. After a while, Shannon thought that Cindy would like some time out of her pen, and to encourage Kiwi to go back to her cage, Shannon tempted Kiwi with some blueberries in a little bowl. Kiwi was very excited by the fruit, and did not mind going back into her
cage. It was good.
Cindy came scampering out of her pen, and then Tracy came home. Shannon and Tracy
again decided to test whether they were smarter than 5th graders. Again, the girls were not, but Shannon was finally able to answer the 10x bonus question at the end of the program, and so increased her winnings for that round to $200,000. Shannon was very sad that she did not actually win that money. Maybe she should consider going on the game show ...