Friday, December 24, 2010

Cindy and Kiwi come nose to nose

On Thursday morning, Shannon felt cold and tired and decided to spend time with her girls instead of dashing off for a run.

After a few hours in lab (interrupted by an afternoon run with Andy), Shannon headed home. She had hoped to swim in the evening, but the pool was closed! Silly online calendar lied ...

When Shannon returned home, she was greeted by lots of cheerful chirps emanating from Kiwi's cage! Such happiness abounded! Shannon settled down on her bed to update her blogs and enjoy an extended Christmas Eve Eve with her favorite girls. Cindy hopped around the room as usual, and Kiwi divided her time between Shannon's shoulder and the top of her head.

Around 7:30pm, both Shannon's friends Brandt and Raymond signed on the Gchat, which made Shannon endlessly happy. Raymond was off with his family in Burlingame, while Brandt was a world away in Thailand! Brandt and Shannon exchanged animal pictures, although Brandt's were much more exotic - elephants and monkeys, oh my! While chatting with the two boys, the girls were off creating mischief of their own.

First, Cindy found Shannon's new hiding spot for the millet bag, causing Shannon to find an even higher spot away from nosy bunnies. Then Kiwi got into a nippy mood and wanted nothing more than to perch on Shannon's glasses and nibble Shannon's ear. This became painful after a time, and so Shannon decided that Kiwi should spend some time in time out. Which wasn't really time out, but more time by her food dish, nibbling some sunflower seeds.

While Shannon's ear healed, Cindy hopped up on the couch beside Kiwi's cage, going nose to nose with the little green chirpster! Shannon was lucky to be able to capture this precious moment on video.

As the evening progressed, Cindy grew ever bolder. She reclaimed her old perch on the back of the couch, and sat there for a while looking down into Kiwi's cage. Cindy even tried putting a few toes on the top of the cage, but decided it was not very stable. Good girl! She hopped up and down many times, but Kiwi did not seem fazed by the action. She fluttered back to Shannon's shoulder and Cindy decided she wanted to join in the fun, and hopped onto the bed beside Shannon. This must have made a very cute picture, but Shannon was not fast enough in capturing the moment.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and Shannon will be journeying south to Sunnyvale to spend the day with her parents. But she will return on Christmas day for some special time with her two best girls. :)

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