Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First day alone

In the end there was no more bird, and it was not good.

No more chirping at the door, or in the shower. Shannon and Cindy were alone once more. Both miss the little green chirpster very much. Perhaps they will go visit her. Well, perhaps only Shannon will go. Perhaps Shannon will record the little sounds Kiwi makes so that she can play then for Cindy during the day. Maybe ...

At least Shannon and Cindy have each other. And so, like it was in the beginning, Shannon's apartment was devoid of a bird. And although it is sad, it will be good again.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Second day of the New Year

A new year, a new decade. Shannon awoke to the second day of 2010 much the same as usual. Kiwi chirped quietly inside her towel-shrouded cage. Cindy lay stretched out in the back portion of her pen, with her legs extended behind her.

Eager to spend as much time with the little green creature as possible before she returns to Anna's loving care, Shannon hurried through her Cindy-related chores, and then removed Kiwi from her cage. Kiwi spent most of the morning burrowed in Shannon's shirt, nibbling holes from the inside out. Kiwi has discovered that this is her favorite place, especially when Shannon is lying on the couch reading a book. She will nestle herself on Shannon's left side - closest to the couch - and near her waist. There, in a sort of pouch the she creates for herself, Kiwi will hang out for almost an hour at a time.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Shannon awoke to the New Year not sure that she felt very different. 2010 started out much the same as any other day.

However, something different is occurring right now. Kiwi has made a nest for herself on top of Shannon's head. She has hopped up there before, but now she has been ensconced in Shannon's ponytail for the past ten minutes. At first she sat quietly, and snuggled down so that Shannon could actually feel Kiwi's body expanding with each breath.

Then Kiwi began to stir and massaged Shannon's scalp with her feet. She clambered down the side of Shannon's head until she was perched upside down on Shannon's glasses. Kiwi stayed there for a while, then decided she preferred the view from the top of Shannon's head, and climbed back up. After nestling in again, she got restless and then climbed back down to the other side of Shannon's glasses frame.

Finally, Kiwi decided she had enough of the view, and began burrowing into Shannon's shirt. And that was the end of the head-sitting incident.