Wednesday in lab was not very productive in terms of science, but everyone had great fun with agar creations! The previous week, Shannon and Ertan had poured some waste agar into a rubberglove and let it harden. Dorothee and Shannon had completed this experiment a year ago with denser agar, and had already had difficulties in removing the glove while preserving the hand inside. This time, Dorothee had the brilliant idea of removing the glove while the agar hand was in a beaker of water. This way, the fingers would be supported and remain attached to the palm. Miracle of miracles, it worked!
Then Shannon remembered that she had even more waste agar left, with an even higher concentration of agar. The group decided to repeat the experiment, this time dyeing the agar with exces
s vitamin B12 solution (left over from making Wolfe's vitamins), which turned the agar a lovely shade of pink. While waiting for the agar to solidify in the new glove, Dorothee played around with the first hand be slipping a ring onto its finger.
The best was yet to come, however, as Dorothee began to play around with the new pink hand in its watery vessel. Enjoy!
On Wednesday evening, Cindy grew bolder and bolder. By now she had already decided that she enjoyed munching on Kiwi's discarded sunflower seed shells. While prowling the couch for more crumbs to attack, something caught Cindy's attention. She discovered the glass cylindrical container of the sunflower seeds, and proceeded to tip it over and roll it around the couch. In doing so, she bumped into the bag of millet, or, as Anna and Shannon refer to it, "birdy crack".

Cindy was quite intrigued by the bag and sniffed for a few moments before snatching a sprig of millet by its stalked end. She sat at the edge of the couch, staring at Shannon, before she hopped off and dashed under the bed with her prize. Shannon was worried that again Cindy had found food not suitable for rabbits, and so she had to squirm on her stomach and wriggle under the couch to retrieve the millet from Cindy's grasp. The millet by this point was covered in Cindy fur and was promptly thrown away.
For the rest of the evening, Shannon battled with a stubborn Cindy, who was intent on sniffing out and munching on more millet stalks. Unfortunately the millet bag did not have a resealable top, and so Shannon was forced to move it to higher ground, away from giant white balls of fluff.
Just prior to the millet incident, Shannon captured a video of Cindy exploring the couch area. At the end of the video, you can see her turn towards the bag of millet ... sneaky Cindy.
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